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The Full Story

A stone may begin rolling a river in an unrefined state, with cracks, blemishes, and sharp edges. As the stone rolls downstream, it becomes beautifully polished. At River Stone Mercantile, we believe that people are much the same – in the river of life, we are influenced by the way we’re moved to become the most refined and polished versions of ourselves. We also believe in the resilience it takes to persevere the conditions of the river. And that’s why we offer products that cater to the needs of those who have been refined, polished, and want to pamper themselves with an elevated washing experience after braving the river of life.


Having lived in Colorado for over a year, we are no strangers to skin conditions that can develop by engaging in our favorite activities, such as sun damage, chafing, and general dryness. But we're never going to stop! Instead, we examined our skin care regimen and assessed the products we were using. We found that most, if not all of our regular cleansing and calming products used drying agents, chemicals, artificial fragrances (some which contain carcinogens), parabens, sulfates, and ingredients which contribute to climate change. Worse, all of these ingredients were what was going down our drains and into water supplies every day! In an effort to do better for our bodies and the environment, we were determined to develop our own product line to use at home. And after discovering the benefits to our own bodies, we want to share our products with others who want to do good for themselves and the world. By supporting River Stone Mercantile, you help us, help you, help the planet.

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